Bgonzalesjr Medical Anecdotal Report [06-01)
MAR Title:
aRelay for Life
Date of Medical Observation: February 2006
An ordinary day at the opd, I was about to finish my last patient when Dr. Oliver Leyson our team leader, hurriedly
ask me to pack my things and follow him.
“We’ll go to Amoranto stadium” he said, reminding me of what once he had told me about the breast
cancer support group that he is aiming to build. At first, I thought it’s just simple gathering with of course
“the breast cancer patients.”
To my surprise as we entered the stadium, we were welcomed by not only one but so many different cancer support groups,
most were from big hospitals and institutions inside metro manila and nearby cities and provinces.
There were the Fight
for Life, the Philippine Cancer Society, the Ostomy Society, Pedia-onco from PGH among others. We carried the banner of OMMC
breast cancer support group an affiliate of Fight for Life, along with us were 3 breast cancer patients.
The event’s theme
was “Relay for Life”. We are all going to walk around the track and field oval carrying our banners along with
cancer patients and survivors.
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Dr. Reynaldo Joson our Department chairman was also there. He was with the other support group from Manila Doctors
Hospital. “Sir andito din kami!” we said boastfully as
we approached him. We invited him to come with us and introduced him to our group.
As we reached our group’s camp. One of the cancer survivors shouted. “Sya ang doktor ko!” pointing
to Dr. Joson’s shoulder. “Sya ang nagopera sa akin.. Look doc buhay pa ko!” Then everybody laughed. I was
on one corner smilling as I watched them talking and making funny gestures and faces.
President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo also came. She led the walk. She pushed the wheel chair carrying a cancer patient
then we followed. As the leading group walk, I saw this young child on the other wheel chair, she’s about 6 years old
I guess.
She is bald but looked pretty in her sexy wonder woman outfit. With a very sweet smile, she waved
her hand to every people watching her. This girl looked well and happy, she’s waving her hand like
a beauty queen as if telling the whole world “Hey I'm safe, my doctor is with me!”
The event made the cancer patients realized that they were not alone on their battle for life. They knew that their
doctors are always beside them. Some how we were able to give them strength and hope to survive. I'm blessed
to know that I’ve been a part of it.
Insights (Discovery, STIMULUS, Reinforcement):
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I want to be a surgeon. I want to remove inflamed appendix. Yet I still have a lot of things
to learn. “Wika nga madami pa akong bigas na kakainin.”
In my 2 months stay
in this department, everyday was a learning experience. So many things to learn that sometimes I couldn't even able to catch
up, some were not even noticed, some were forgotten. But this event thought me things which I would never forget.
Being a surgeon does
not end inside the operating room. I know in times, I could be able to do a hundred and one appendectomies but that wont make
me a good surgeon.
For the coming five
long years of somewhat unending tour of duties, case presentations, mortality-morbidity, 300 cases and more of appendectomies.
Mastering the craft of surgery is just only a part of the pie.
We should also learn
how to value our patients. That’s why our relationship with them doesn’t have to end after their discharge from
the hospital. Our patients also need our moral support. Some would even say to us.. “makita lang kita dok galing nako!”.
That’s the very
essence of the existence of these cancer support groups. Thanks to those who started and supported these noble mission.
We have commitments to our patients. Lets be glad and feel blessed that God showed us our purpose in this life.
Now I realized my purpose…
I want to be a surgeon, I want to treat people. I want to touch peoples’ lives. I want to be a part
of their relay for life.